Newly democratic Bhutan pushes community forestry to tackle rural poverty.

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A rich experience in ground-based inventory provides a solid basis for a multi-method approach to measuring forest degradation.

This Bangladesh outlook report reflects on problems faced by the country’s forestry sector. By 2020 there will be a big gap between supply and demand for wood while people’s expectations of forestry will have increased in many new directions.

Forest sector governance is not always easy to define and is even harder to measure. This report, commissioned by LFP, has tried to quantify transparency in Nepal’s forest sector in a way that follows an internationally recognised system as developed by Global Witness.

A new satellite-based survey released by the FAO provides a more accurate picture of changes in the world's forests, showing forest land use declined between 1990 and 2005. The findings of a global remote sensing survey show the world's total forest area in 2005 was 3.69 billion hectares, or 30 percent of the global land area.

Climate change is considered as one of the most serious threats to natural resources, human health, people’s livelihood and sustainable development.

SRINAGAR, Oct 4: Minister for Forest, Environment and Ecol¬ogy, Mian Altaf, today informed the Legislative Council that the geographical area of the Jammu and Kashmir State is 1,01,387km sq while t

There are various stakeholders who are poising major threat to the sustainability of the forest resources. The categories of these stakeholders are the state and its agents, capitalist and private contractors and local communities. The present study focuses on the third types of stakeholders and their contest over the forest resources. The communities who are living in the vicinity of the forest are not homogenous, they are hetrogeneous, and their heterogeneity is reflected through caste background, power, ownership of land and ideology.

The report of the working group on forests and sustainable management of natural resources is a collective effort to introduce and explain the concerns and challenges faced by the sector and the strategy to address them in the Twelfth Five Year Plan. Forests can no longer be considered as nature’s factory that produces wood alone.

A tribal village in Gadchiroli that has pioneered the community management of forest land and produce, this week added a new feather in its cap — it became the first village in the country to earn
