radioactive wastes: A Pakistani senator recently accused the country's nuclear authorities of dumping radioactive waste near a village in the Punjab province causing cancer, miscarriages, and

Auranium mining company operating in Arlit city in Niger has been accused of adopting inadequate safety measures, following findings that the radioactive metal was harming the local population.

phosphorous pentoxide: Severe eye and skin injury and chemical burns to the respiratory track, if inhaled

aromatic alcohol (also known as phenol): It's a poisonous chemical that is corrosive in nature and readily seeps through the skin and causes burns

vinyl alcohol and magnesium hydroxide: Cause eye irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea

jn-nurm gets a chair: The Union ministry of urban development has appointed Ramesh Ramanathan, founder of Janaagraha, a citizens' movement on participatory democracy, as the honorary national

The Ramapough mountain tribe and other residents of Ringwood, New Jersey (nj), us, have filed a lawsuit against the Ford Motor Company and 12 other companies for property damage and personal

Mills of Gorakhpur grind slowly, but they grind too fine

A toxic conduit into the body

Is Cuddalore s industrial area a Bhopal in the making? Yes, say villagers

The furious march of the fast food industry

It is official now: the us Environment Protection Agency (epa) doesn't do much. And the admission has come from the Government Accountability Office (gao), the us Congress' investigative agency.
