Record growth over the last year pushed the UK green goods and services market past the £122bn mark, according to new government figures that reveal the low carbon economy now employs almost one mi

Mumbai has emerged as the second-most liveable city in the world, according to an Ericsson ConsumerLab survey. The liveability factor has been tied to connectivity. Stockholm topped the list.

Hong Kong has long preferred to blame its smoggy skies on polluting factories just over the border in mainland China.

Some 10,000 bears are farmed in China to procure their bile for traditional Chinese medicine. This cruel practice
has stimulated a wave of condemnation across the country. (Correspondence)

It seems like Singapore’s billion-dollar green investments have paid off.

Many epidemiological studies have linked daily counts of hospital admissions to particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10 μm (PM10) and ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5), but relatively few have investigated the relationship of hospital admissions with coarse PM (PMc; 2.5–10 μm aerodynamic diameter). The researchers conducted this study to estimate the health effects of PMc on emergency hospital admissions for respiratory diseases in Hong Kong after controlling for PM2.5 and gaseous pollutants.

Hong Kong has decided to come clean with data on a dangerous form of air pollution, a month and a half after Beijing, a city with smoggier skies and a murkier approach to statistics, did the same.

EU officials said Sunday they will negotiate with international partners angry at what they see as a climate tax on airlines, but refused to change hotly disputed legislation despite fears in Germa

The European Union's plan to charge airlines for their greenhouse gas emissions would rise dramatically to cost Chinese airlines 18 billion yuan ($2.8 billion) a year by 2030, China's civil aviatio

About 50,000 residents in a southern Chinese city had their water supplies disrupted after a fish farm discharged sewage into the local water source, state media said Sunday, in the country's lates
