Enable Block: 

Digital technologies are everywhere, affecting the way we live, work, travel and play. Digitalization is helping improve the safety, productivity, accessibility and sustainability of energy systems around the world. But it is also raising new security and privacy risks, while disrupting markets, businesses and workers.

The eleventh volume of the Report of the Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income (DFI) examines the status and reforms needed in the agricultural extension system.

Despite concerted efforts to curb the menace, malnutrition among children under five years is worsening in Nigeria, a new survey has revealed. The fifth round Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS5) also shows that malnutrition in under five children living in rural areas is higher than those in urban areas.

Despite sustained economic growth over the past two decades, Sub-Saharan Africa faces massive challenges and significant gaps in many development outcomes. Although poverty has been declining, a recent report estimates that over two-fifths of the African population was poor in 2012. Nearly two-thirds of Africans do not have electricity.

Climate change will hit the Pacific harder than anywhere else on Earth and the region's tiny island nations need major international aid to deal with the challenge, the World Bank said.

The report observes that in today's broadband society, digital skills are key. The ability to operate a smartphone, navigate the internet, engage in online environments, and organize and safeguard digital information are essential 'literacies', skills and competencies needed by all people.

The paper presents a case for a phased rolling out of direct benefits transfer (DBT) for Food in India.

​​​​New data released by ITU, the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), show that 830 million young people are online, representing 80 per cent of the youth population in 104 countries.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) now form the backbone of today's economies – providing individuals with access to such vitally important resources as employment opportunities, online banking and healthcare.

The present study involves an extensive stocktaking exercise of the types of innovations that have emerged globally and in India in particular, and their increasing impact on the agricultural sector. The stocktaking exercise is based not only on peer-reviewed research from the academic fields, but also draws on recent corporate studies.
