Invasion by exotic species is among the most important global-scale problems experienced by natural ecosystems. Studies document that floristic changes that emerge after habitat fragmentation may be due to invasion by exotic weeds.

This report denounces the EU

This edition of the Convention on Biological Diversity

This synthesis focuses on estimates of biodiversity change as projected for the 21st century by models or extrapolations based on experiments and observed trends. The term

In 2002, world leaders committed through the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to achieve a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. The researchers compiled 31 indicators to report on progress toward this target. Most indicators of the state of biodiversity (covering species

The Oku-Kom highland morphological and human stronghold of West Cameroon with rich volcanic soils has attracted farmers and breeders thereby rupturing the mountain ecological equilibrium through slope gulling and mass movements. Overwhelmed, the indigenes adapted unsuccessful regreening approaches but without slope gradient considerations.

Mine spoils are sub-soil material produced as a byproduct of mining activity. Virtually being a sub-soil material, mine spoils are physically, nutritionally and microbiologically impoverished habitats, thwarting the establishment and growth of plants species.

Kashmir valley, nestled in the north-western extremity of Himalayan bio-
diversity hotspot, is bestowed with an incredible plant wealth. However, over the last few decades, flora of the valley faces a multitude of threats. Being historically a global tourist destination, the

Intensive sampling was carried out in the marine environment of Mumbai and Jawaharlal Nehru ports to investigate the composition of benthic sessile population on three different occasions during 2001 to 2002. this study recorded 29 species of hard substratum fauna and 14 associated fauna.

Environment Matters, the annual review on the environment by the World Bank Group, highlights the environmental research, accomplishments, and challenges of the Bank's Regions in the past year. Environment Matters 2009 focuses on the importance of biodiversity conservation in sustaining livelihoods and reducing poverty. Biodiversity underpins every aspect of human life.
