Tracking Clean Energy Progress is an early except of the forthcoming Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 (ETP2012). The report tracks progress in the development and deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies in the power generation, industry, buildings, and transport sectors.

Book: The politics of climate change and the global crisis: mortgaging our future, by Praful Bidwai, Orient Blackswan, Rs 750.

The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) was recently awarded the Certificate for Carbon Neutral by becoming the first ‘Green Chamber’ in the country to offset its carbon footprint.

This is the country report for the International Conference of Mountain Countries on Climate Change. The draft national report dealt with the overall socio-economic and environmental situation in Nepal and highlighted issues related to climate change and its overall impact.

The Low Carbon Green Growth Roadmap for Asia and the Pacific explores the opportunities that a low carbon green growth path offers to the region. It articulates five tracks on which to drive the economic system change necessary to pursue low carbon green growth as a new economic development path.

Asia is at a crossroads. As the world’s most populous region, with high economic growth, a rising share of global greenhouse gas emissions, and the most vulnerability to climate risks, Asia must be at the center in the global fight against climate change.

This report is not a comprehensive overview of Chinese environmental policy; it intends to act as a starting point for those wishing to better understand why and how China is slowly changing to adopt progressive policy instruments to tackle growing environmental concerns.

China has embarked on one of the largest endeavours in climate economics ever, to establish a national carbon emission trading system by 2015. As a first step, carbon-trading pilots have been initiated in seven provinces and cities.

Companies and countries have experienced ups and downs in the worldwide clean energy race in recent years, and 2011 was no exception. For consumers, however, the clean energy race has been consistently positive, driving down prices and interjecting new renewable energy choices into a marketplace dominated by century-old technologies.

Creating climate-resilient and low-carbon development paths has become a development imperative. The World Bank continues to face unprecedented demand from many countries for support in their efforts to address development and climate change challenges.
