Question raised in Lok Sabha on Poverty and Malnutrition, 29/03/2017. Government of India is implementing various schemes to alleviate the problems of poverty viz. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihood Mission, Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana –Gramin, National Social

Since famine was declared in parts of South Sudan a month ago, the United Nations children’s fund, UNICEF and partners have provided live-saving assistance to more than 145,000 people.

Severe malnutrition may claim the lives of 1.4 million children from Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen this year if urgent steps are not taken.

The number of Kenyans needing emergency food aid has doubled in the past three months to three million, the Red Cross said on Tuesday, as the effect of a devastating drought worsens.

The second edition of the Regional Overview of Food Insecurity in the Near East and North Africa 2016 coincides with the adoption of the sustainable development agenda and the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the agreement on climate change reached at CCOP21 in Paris.

IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2016, and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2017 at the global and regional levels.

This is almost the population of the United Kingdom, said "Wild Water", a report on the state of the world's water

Over half of India’s women are anaemic and one in every five is underweight, reveals National Family Health Survey-4 (NFHS-4)

Aurangabad: The number of tuberculosis patients in the district has been increasing steadily, though marginally, every year, raising a question mark over the administration's approach towards deali

The National Health Policy, 2017 approved by Union Cabinet focus on preventive and promotive health care and universal access to good quality health care services. The policy seeks to reach everyone in a comprehensive integrated way to move towards wellness.
