Canada has continued to harvest its vast natural resources and witnessed a shale revolution alongside rising oil sands production and investment in the energy sector over the past five years.

This report aims to make a contribution to the discussion on how both the prevailing climate and potential nuclear threats may interact with each other. Despite an increased understanding of the climate and nuclear threat and a growing urgency for action on both fronts, little attention has been given to how they may interact with each other.

In 2014, the growth in global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use and cement production slowed down to only 0.5% compared to 2013, while the world’s economy grew by 3%, showing a partial decoupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth. China and the United States increased their emissions by 0.9%.

Future of Energy is one of the most significant challenge mankind faces today.

For the first time in 1996, the IEA produced a compilation of its most used statistics in a booklet easily accessible to all – what is now the annual Key World Energy Statistics (KWES). Since then, the booklet has been hugely successful and has become a constant companion of energy analysts and policy makers. Key World Energy Statistics contains timely, clearly presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources for the main regions of the world.

This technical note outlines the methodology, data sources, and calculations used to quantify the post-2020 clean energy plans of Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and the United States. These countries/regions collectively account for more than 65 percent of the world’s primary energy demand.

EY report says Conservative government has sentenced renewable energy sector to death by a thousand cuts and left investors puzzled at policy changes. The UK has dropped out of the top ten of a respected international league table on renewable energy for the first time since it began 12 years ago.

The German government has proposed changes to a law to prevent German utilities from evading the payment of billions of euros needed to fund the country's nuclear exit, according to a copy of the d

The Sendai Nuclear Power Plant on the island of Kyushu broke a four-year lull on 11 August when it switched one of its reactors back on. The restart is the first since Japan’s nuclear-power industry ground to a halt two years ago following safety concerns in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi disaster.

Original Source

The report takes stock of the current energy scenario in India and sets out the challenges the country faces in its quest for energy independence. It also highlights some of the distinguishing features of India’s refining sector from the perspective of meeting the country’s hydrocarbon energy needs.
