The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India vide notification dated 30th August, 2022 has issued the Food Safety and Standards (Foods for Infant Nutrition) First Amendment Regulations, 2022. The amendment shall come into force on 1st October, 2022.

Food and nutrition insecurity in the SADC region continues to be unacceptably high, requiring concerted efforts for the region to build resilience to address the multiple and increasing shocks it faces.

There is a need for detailed analyses of the interplay between nutrition security and climate change, and their impact on different target groups, especially youth and women. This desk review explores the evidence on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures with nutrition co-benefits, and vice versa.

Food affordability is an important determinant of food choice and access, driving dietary patterns, nutrition status and overall health and environmental outcomes.

The number of people affected by hunger globally rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, an increase of about 46 million since 2020 and 150 million since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to this report that provides fresh evidence that the world is moving further away from its goal of ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030.

Order passed by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay in Writ Petition No. 3854 of 2021 (Anganwadi Karmachari Sanghatana & Others Vs Union of India & Others).

The Bombay High Court, July 5, 2022 in an 'ad-interim relief' directed that allotment of food grains to anganwadi Centres within Maharashtra should not be stopped "on the basis of the functioning and use of POSHAN Tracker Application."

The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the world affecting organizations and institutions that supported the delivery of nutrition programs at all levels.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, WFP has continually assessed household vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity through monitoring surveys, while simultaneously providing technical assistance and operations support for programmes in response to the pandemic in the Asia Pacific region.

Currently, there is no standard set of social norms indicators for food security and nutrition. Practical guidance and examples of such indicators are also lacking. This guide helps fill this gap by providing assistance on formulating indicators to measure changes in gendered social norms in the context of food security and nutrition.

This policy document builds upon NRAA’s vision as outlined above and incorporates integral policy measures for sustainable rainfed agriculture, inclusive of recognizing new vulnerabilities such as climate change, farmers’ distress resulting in seasonal migration, severe malnutrition in rainfed areas, and India’s commitment to the UN Sustainable
