With the changing risk landscape, it is nothing but imperative that the capacity strengthening efforts are evolved to be a continuous and dynamic process so that the humanitarian structures are constantly updated and strengthened to meet any sudden or emerging humanitarian need.

The drought in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) is predicted to continue into the late annual rainy season (Figure 1). For the first time in 40 years, four consecutive seasons of below-normal rains have been recorded in the GHoA countries.

Recent years have witnessed a growing political commitment to addressing West Africa’s high rates of maternal and child malnutrition. Despite this commitment, West Africa is not on track to achieve World Health Assembly (WHA) targets. There is a need for appropriate policy choices and program actions to generate sustained change at scale.

As many as 41.5 crore people exited poverty in India during the 15-year period between 2005-06 and 2019-21, out of which two-thirds exited in the first 10 years, and one-third in the next five years, according to this global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).

World hunger levels are reaching catastrophic proportions, with 44 countries suffering with serious or alarming levels of hunger, according to this 2022 Global Hunger Index.

A leading economist recently stated that food security may be the defining global challenge of the Century. And in underscoring the importance of social protection, the head of an international organization declared that must recognize, share, scale up and build on these successful measures.

The second annual Global Food 50/50 Report, a joint initiative of Global Health 50/50, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and UN Women, reviews the gender- and equity-related policies and practices of 51 global food system organizations.

Children cannot live on staple grains alone; they need to eat a diverse range of nutritious foods. Child Food Poverty - A Nutrition Crisis in Early Childhood sounds the alarm on the state of child food poverty – a situation where young children are not fed the minimum number of food groups they need in early childhood.

An ideal food system is envisioned to provide healthy diets for people and be sustainable for the environment. Such a food system is required to deliver on these goals even as diets are increasingly and disproportionately comprised of high-fat and/or high-sugar foods vis-à-vis nutritious diets.

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat have been ranked as the top three states among larger states in terms of the overall implementation of the Centre's flagship Poshan Abhiyaan, according to this Niti Aayog report. Sikkim was the best performer among the small states.
