Reduce speed of ships to control their emissions SHIPS are responsible for nearly a third of the world

As the action is still awaited even after one month of the delivery of Environmental Protection Orders (EPOs) to owners, the brick kilns in Islamabad's vicinity continue polluting the capital. According to officials at the Environment Ministry, the EPOs were served to owners on March 18, though the Brick Kiln Association office bearer claim that they received these orders in first week of April.

The government has decided to do something important about vehicular emissions that have reached highly dangerous levels. Federal Ministry of Environment told the National Assembly on Monday that all petrol-run vehicles would be required to comply with Euro-II emission standards with effect from July.

The US Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday it is seeking public comment on whether to allow a higher level of ethanol to be blended into gasoline.

Growth Energy and more than 50 ethanol manufacturers petitioned the EPA last month to raise the maximum blend level for ethanol in gasoline from 10 percent to as much as 15 percent.

Many people consider the wider use of biofuels a promising way of reducing the amount of surplus carbon dioxide (CO2) being pumped into the air by the world

Nitrogen-based fertilisers have helped all but eradicate famine in large parts of the world. But reactive nitrogen in circulation has now doubled. Owen Gaffney asks, what effect is this having on the carbon cycle?

Diesel exhaust particulate (DEP) is a key arbiter of the adverse cardiovascular effects of air pollution. This study assessed the in vitro effects of DEP on vascular function, nitric oxide (NO) availability, and the generation of oxygen-centered free radicals.

The European Parliament agreed in December to a proposal that emissions of nitrogen oxides from new heavy duty vehicles shall be cut by 80 per cent and those of particulate matter by 66 per cent, as compared to existing standards.

Large combustion plants are responsible for two thirds of EUs total sulphur emissions, and the coal-fired top ten polluters account for 30 per cent.

Sixteen EU countries are likely to exceed national limits on emissions of at least one of four key air pollutants set for 2010, according to an analysis carried out by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
