Proceedings of the ninety eighth session of the Indian Science Congess, Chennai, 2011 (Engineering Sciences).

Bal Krishan Keayla, a key figure in the National Working Group on Patent Law and an indefatigable campaigner for two decades against the GATT/WTO agreement on intellectual property, died on 27 November. A colleague in the working group reminisces.

The ability of developing and least-developed countries to procure affordable generic medicines continues to be hampered by a lack of transparency in patent information. While there has been an increase in electronic patent information since TRIPS, much more still needs be done.

A rarely-used system intended to help poor countries import generic versions of patent-protected drugs was the main focus of discussions at the October session of the TRIPS Council. Developing countries also raised serious concerns over the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

A controversy between Nestl

The rapid deployment and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) is considered crucial for tackling the climate change challenge. In this context, the role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the transfer of climate change technologies has been particularly contentious in the negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This paper explores recent episodes in the field of biotechnology research as regards intellectual property rights. It argues that public research institutes develop schizophrenic intellectual property policies.

There is no doubt US President Barack Obama was in India on a business trip. His recent electoral losses weighed heavily with him when he stitched up deals, reportedly worth US $10 billion,that would create about 50,000 jobs back home. In this editorial Sunita Narain looks at the ABCDE of what is at stake in the US-India trade relationship.

Why is India so eager to reactivate and conclude a dormant Doha Round that has little to offer the country? (Editorial)

Rajasthan signs agreements with seven biotech companies to restructure agriculture. Read this special report on the fundamental shift in the way farming operates in India by giving private companies access to the state’s research facilities to test and market their hybrid seeds and other technologies.
