Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are developmental toxicants but the impact of both maternal and paternal exposures on offspring birth size is largely unexplored. The objective of the study was to examine associations between maternal and paternal serum concentrations of 63 POPs, comprising five major classes of pollutants, with birth size measures.

Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) during fetal development can increase the risk of adverse health effects during childhood. Maternal characteristics and physiological changes during gestation such as gestational weight gain (GWG) may have an influence in the overall burden of POPs in neonates. However, the associations between GWG and POP concentrations are still not well established.

A high-level monitoring committee comprising representatives from different ministries inspected Lalitpur-based Alka Hospital’s Environmentally Sound Health Care Waste Management (ESHCWM) and Mercu

Toxic chemicals are accumulating in the ecosystems of the Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau, researchers warn in the the first comprehensive study to assess levels of certain organic pollutants in that part of the world.

Coordinated action by governments and industry is urgently needed to reduce the growing risks to human health and the environment posed by the unsustainable management of chemicals worldwide, according to a by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Weight loss is no more a simple calculation of calories consumed and burnt. Studies show exposure to certain toxins in the environment can make it difficult for one to shed extra pounds. What are these toxins? How do they affect body?

This publication highlights the results and lessons learned in the past 20 years of the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (SGP) and reflects on the contributions of communities to sustainable development. It also includes valuable insight and testimonials on how SGP contributes to development issues and the UNDP mandate.

The obesity epidemic that is prevailing in most countries of the world is generally attributed to the increased amount of opportunities to be in positive energy balance in a context of modernity. This obviously refers not only to sedentariness and unhealthy eating that may dominate life habits of many individuals but also to unsuspected non-caloric factors which produce discrete allostatic changes in the body. In this paper, the focus is put on the impact of some of these factors with the preoccupation to document the allostatic burden of weight loss.

Epidemiological studies emphasize the possible role of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in obesity and the metabolic syndrome. These pollutants are stored in adipose tissue (AT). The aim of the paper was to study the effects of POPs on human adipose cells and rodent AT.

Counter affidavit filed in the Supreme Court of India dated 29/07/2011 by the Department of Agriculture in re: Endosulfan - W.P.(C) NO.213/2011 Democratic Youth Federation of India Vs. Union of India & Ors.
