New Delhi : With wide variations in climatic conditions becoming a frequent phenomenon, the agriculture ministry has projected a decline in yield of crops such as rice, wheat, maize and sorghum.

The Punjab Seed Council (PSC) approved 39 new verities of different crops for cultivation including 15 Bt cotton, 6 rice, 2 wheat, 1 sugarcane, 2 gram, 3 citrus, 4 peach, 3 flowers and 1 variety of

“India has to feed a large number of people. We can’t ignore the potentials of GM crops. We, no doubt, need to be careful, and have proper controls and effective regulations.”

He noted that varieties of wheat, rice and other crops that are cultivated today were developed over the centuries from the wild varieties through various man-made techniques of selection. “Genetic modification is just another tool for selection [developed scientifically].”

The Punjab Seed Council has approved 39 new verities of different crops for general cultivation.

This will further inflate the Centre's subsidy calculation on account of the new law, once it is implemented

The central government has decided to widen the acceptability of its biggest social security initiative, the National Food Security Act, by agreeing to equally share the financial burden of transportation of grain and commission for ration-shop owners with state governments.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Lokmangal Sanstha Vs Sanjay Wadettiwar dated 11/12/2013 regarding construction of Sai Rice Mill in the proximity of Lokmangal Sanstha, Chamorshi, district Gadchiroli, Maharashtra.

Original Source:

New Delhi : In a bid to shift a chunk of area under water-intensive paddy cultivation in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh to maize, oilseeds and poplar-based agroforestry, the government h

IN AUGUST environmentalists in the Philippines vandalised a field of Golden Rice, an experimental grain whose genes had been modified to carry beta-carotene, a chemical precursor of vitamin A.

Scientists have discovered a wonder rice gene that could dramatically increase yields of one of the world’s most important food crops, the Philippines-based International Rice Research Institute (I

Rajbir Singh of Khadri village never thought that the pesticide got free from the Agriculture Department would not work to save his rice crop from weeds and he would have to plant the crop again.
