Farmers have started switching to cereals from paddy in the wake of adverse impact of climate change with new technology and seed in the vast Barind tract.

This new IFPRI report examines the current and potential strategies to fight hunger. It endeavors to respond to the challenge of growing food sustainably without degrading our natural resource base.

Advances in agricultural development have largely been a direct result of increased usage of new technologies. Among other important factors, farmers’ perceptions of risks associated with the new technology as well as their ability or willingness to take risks greatly influences their adoption decisions.

It is essential to introduce genetically high-bred seed paddy that ensures higher crop harvest among the Galle district paddy farmers and if not they would discontinue paddy cultivation, Galle Depu

NETRAKONA : Farmers harvested a bumper Crop of transplanted Aman (T-Aman) here in the last Aman season following favorable climate condition and joint efforts of farmers and the concerned officials

Recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's "Summary for Policymakers" make for alarming reading about the global warming phenomenon. How bad climate impacts will be beyond the mid-century depends crucially on the world urgently shifting to a development trajectory that is clean, sustainable, and equitable, a notion of equity that includes space for the poor, for future generations and other species.

Following three years of research, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) has identified core genes which would help in development of new varieties of wheat, rice and vegetables which would withstand climatic variations.

These varieties, identified from the four lakh accessions held with NBPGR or the national gene bank, would help deal with variations in temperatures, rainfall and alternations in climate conditions witnessed during the last few years.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the villi of the small intestine causing abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, or bad absorption due to gluten intolerance. The only treatment for this disease consists of a lifelong gluten free diet; this is, celiac people cannot consume products containing gluten, such as wheat, barley, and rye, but they can use rice and corn. Thus, rice flour is mainly used for the manufacturing of the basic products of this population. Unfortunately, rice can contain high contents of total (t-As) and inorganic (i-As) arsenic.

This paper aims to review the major food security issues in Bangladesh, with a brief reference to its past trend in agricultural output, constraints and challenges in the coming decades. Food security relates directly to nutrition and health of a population which consequently influences a nation's socio-economic status.

The National Census of Agriculture 2012 has revealed that about 128,000 hectares of fertile land in the country is uncultivated.
