The plan to convert 10,000 km of state highways into national highways is unlikely to find favour with the ministry of finance as the government is facing a paucity of funds.

Until recently, Bhopal was like any other Indian city — with little evidence of public transport and fast-growing private vehicle ownership, with its implications for high petrol consumption and ai

The government’s plan to fast track de-congestion of major cities is running in the slow lane for almost three years now.

This overview highlights the main findings of Energy Intensive Sectors of the Indian Economy: Path to Low Carbon Development, a study specifically requested by the Government of India to help identify low carbon growth opportunities for India and contribute to global climate change mitigation.

The paper analyses the financial distress in State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs). Financial distress is a multidimensional generic term, which is a symptom of fading financial conditions of a business concern. The financial distress in SRTUs is analysed on various aspects and dimensions and discussed through the application of one of the multivariate analysis techniques.

Everyday, with unfailing measure, they line up our city streets, hoping to make the quick dash, only to be sucked into smog, emissions and never ending traffic woes. Lined up as though in a factory assemly

New Delhi Private road developers have asked the government to streamline the functioning of National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), the nodal agency for award of highway building contracts, to ensure timely implementation of projects.

The world’s population will reach 9 billion by 2050. Meeting their
transport demands will be challenging. As both population and
incomes rise, global passenger mobility and global freight transport
volumes may triple by 2050. The International Transport Forum’s

DIBRUGARH, The Bogibeel Bridge, which was one of the demands in the Assam Accord, will connect the two banks of the Brahmaputra. When completed, it will cover a length of 4.94 kilometres, making it the longest rail-cum-road bridge in the country.

The project took off after a false start. It was sanctioned in 1997-98.

New Delhi The road transport and highways ministry has decided to set up an independent regulator to improve public transport in the country.
