GANDHINAGAR/NEW DELHI: The Union ministry for road transport and highways has allotted Rs 200.81 crore for the expansion and reinforcement of roads in the state with a view to providing more connectivity to interior and rural areas of the state with main cities.

Mumbai Amidst concerns hovering around the infrastructure space, the road sector is showing some signs of revival, say experts. Invitation of bids for new road projects by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has again gained momentum since December, after a lull from July to November 2010.

Global transportation and fossil fuels are inextricably linked. More than 60% of the 87 million barrels of oil consumed every day powers the world’s transportation system and liquid fossil fuels account for more than 96% of the current energy supply to the transport sector.

The government

The ministry of road transport and highways, which has been successful in bringing land acquisition to levels needed to achieve 20-km-a-day target of road building, is, however, struggling to bring the acquired land under its possession and insulate itself from paying huge compensations to developers.

While, on paper, the ministry has managed to acquire 37,789 hectares of land for its national

Goa Legislative Assembly

The objective of this transport policy is to evolve a conducive transport regime for Kerala state geared to meet requirements of faster mobility, safety, access to social and economic services and minimizing the impact of negative externalities.


Just as Americans started worrying a little less about jobs and money, they got something new to fret about: More traffic.
An annual study done by the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University found that traffic was better than it had been in a decade during the height of the recession.

A proposal for a major road link between East and West Delhi, which has been on the drawing board for more than a year now, was put forth on Tuesday for the Delhi Cabinet

The state government will purchase as many as 3,000 buses this year to augment its public transportation fleet. The purchases will begin after April.

Of the new buses, the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) and Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) get 1,000 vehicles each, NEKSRTC gets 600 and NWKSRTC will be allotted 500 buses.
