Rural residents in Rwanda are caught between a rock and hard place as local authorities force them off land that has been reclassified from agricultural to residential use.

A €91,297 (about Rwf91m) project has been launched with view to ensure that corruption does not undermine climate change mitigation efforts as well as effective and equitable allocation of climate

Rwandan-based energy company, Ignite Power, is confident to have been able to change the energy paradigm in Africa as it is offering a price plan for home solar products.

The Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) Saturday disclosed that Nile Basin Commission will be established to enforce demands of equitable utilization of the Nile river’s resources.

Rwanda Environment Management Authority has said that the plan by the German car maker ‘Volkswagen’ to assemble electric cars as part of the environmentally friendly model vehicles is timely since

Seven African countries — Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Mozambique, Malawi, Madagascar and Senegal — have been hailed for their support to innovation in the agricultural sector.

Developing countries, tired of waiting for help from rich countries to arrive and already facing mounting climate crises, are starting their own funds to deal with an uncertain future.

Efforts to revive Kenya’s coffee sub-sector are facing a new challenge: Climate change.

A rapidly expanding population is stretching the capacity of Kigali city to assure piped water supply to its rural districts.

This assessment was conducted by the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) and its associates at the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) between December 2016 and February 2017 with support from the Government of Canada.
