Knowledge is the basis for sustainable development, but successful implementation depends on understanding what works in the field and where to improve lives and the environment.

KAMPALA - Cooks at a community kitchen in Kampala's Nakasero Hill business district are preparing a traditional breakfast of green bananas in offal sauce using a very untraditional means of cooking

Yaounde — Every year, 11 million Africans fall into poverty due to high out-of-pocket payments for healthcare, technology could change that

For decades, the residents of Rwaza sector, living next to River Mukungwa have had to contend with electricity transmission lines pass overhead to Kigali but not to their premises.

The Ministers in charge of environment, disaster preparedness, and agriculture yesterday held a consultative meeting with lawmakers that revolved around the effects of Climate Change.

The region’s health systems and prevailing challenges in the health sector will be deliberated upon beginning today during the inaugural Africa Health Forum of the World Health Organisation.

Last week, Rwanda’s infrastructure minister, James Musoni, witnessed the ground-breaking ceremony for the new Musanze hydropower plant.

Water and sanitation are critical components that need to be worked on to ensure they are covered 100 per cent by 2020 if Rwandans are to live a better life, officials have said.

Water and sanitation are critical components that need to be worked on to ensure they are covered 100 per cent by 2020 if Rwandans are to live a better life, officials have said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will on Monday meet African leaders in Berlin on initiatives aiming to reduce the poverty and conflict driving a mass migrant influx to Europe.
