Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Environment Ministry will hold a regional conference on

Heightened sensitivity and concerted action in the judiciary, legal profession and civil society have helped to create an expanded notion of access to justice and to foster the phenomenon of Public Interest Litigation. PIL has become a common feature in cases concerning development, environment and human rights, which have closely linked jurisprudence in Sri Lanka.

This report seeks to assist businesses operating in Southeast Asia to: Understand the need to adapt to climate change. What is climate adaptation, and what does it mean for business?; Learn what others are doing within government, civil society, and the

In view of the far reaching consequences of climate change in the South Asian region in general, and India, in particular, the present International Conference was organized to address the following: Identify and debate upon the effect of climate change on ecological & socio-economic systems with a focus on biological diversity and food security in the South Asian region; Provide a platform to sci

A draft of the South Asia Region Climate Change Strategy. Aimed at supporting the development priorities of south asian nations by addressing climate-change related risks and opportunities, focuses on adaptation and climate impacts on economic growth and poverty reduction.

A recent analytical report examining the multiple challenges that global climate change raises for the management of shared freshwater resources.Assesses the prospective risks to human security and explores how policies and institutions can evolve to ensure sustainable water supplies in a warming world.

This year's report, entitled "Breaking in and moving up: New industrial challenges for the bottom billion and the middle-income countries" focuses on countries that have been left behind.

This paper deals with agricultural development and policies in mountains and hills in the Himalayan region. Mountain agriculture (instead of being confined to field crops as in the case of the prime land in plains) is an integrated system of resource usage, linking various land-based activities.

Infrastructure is shown to be a cost-effective means of lowering trade costs and thereby promoting regional growth and integration. This report combines thematic and country studies, while breaking new ground in quantifying infrastructure's impact on Asia's trade costs.

Using existing international databases that track disaster occurrence and humanitarian costs, this research attempts to improve understanding of how climate change may affect
