This report is divided into four main components. Section 1 summarizes the history and status of major water disputes between India and three of its neighbors, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Section 2 forecasts trends in water demand by analyzing expected growth patterns in domestic, agricultural and

For many years there has been the assumption that the negative impacts of climate change and the efforts to mitigate them have similar effects on both women and men. However, the world has progressively recognized that women and men experience climate change differently, and that gender inequalities worsen women

"With Coal, we have light, strength, power, wealth, and civilization,

High levels of income inequality, rapid urbanization, persistent

The first detailed study of measles outbreaks in Nepal indicates that the infection is continuing to cause high numbers of illness and deaths in areas of the country ravaged by conflict in the past. High coverage with the measles vaccine must be maintained in these areas to reduce deaths, reports a WHO bulletin.

Climate change is a major threat to improving prosperity in Asia and the Pacific. The Asian Development Bank has an important role to play in responding to the threats-and opportunities-presented by climate change in the region.

The human impact of climate change

Bhutan Bank

Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KW&SB) in collaboration with the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) South Asia has established Citizen Report Card (CRC) cell to design and implement the proposed reform agenda in water sector of the cosmopolitan city. The purpose of the project was to solicit user feedback on KW&SB's service.

Pakistan is currently spending as low as 15 dollars per capita per year on health from both domestic public and private sources and from international development assistance, says a new study published by the Asian Development Bank.
