As of July 15, one more country was declared free of the guinea worm: Sudan.

But it was a hollow victory. That was the date Sudan split in two and South Sudan became the world

Agreement may be worked out before closure of conference India maintained silence on listing of endosufan under the Rotterdam Convention at the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, which opened in Geneva on Monday.

Is this the face of future water conflicts? China, India and Saudi Arabia have lately leased vast tracts of land in sub-Saharan Africa at knockdown prices. Their primary aim is to grow food abroad using the water that African countries don't have the infrastructure to exploit. Doing so is cheaper and easier than using water resources back home. But it is a plan that could well backfire.

The number of people in southern Sudan in need of food assistance has more than quadrupled from almost one million in 2009 to 4.3 million this year because of conflict and drought, the U.N. food agency said on Tuesday.

Gadarif city, in central Sudan, has suffered from a shortage of drinking water for decades. Half of its daily water requirement is met through river water imported over 50 km away and from local salty wells. As a consequence of building a small dam to control seasonal floods, it was found that the dam reservoir recharges groundwater, raising the water table by few a meters.

The sun somehow feels closer here, more intense, more personal. As Philip Lolua waits under a tree for a scoop of food, heat waves dance up from the desert floor, blurring the dead animal carcasses sprawled in front of him.

International investors have recently shown a fast-growing interest in land in developing countries. The IIED, the FAO and IFAD drew attention to the phenomenon of large-scale real estate purchases. In this article, two of the study's authors bemoan that international media coverage has since emphasised the risks involved-without much regard for opprtunities.

The issues of ozone depletion and climate change have been at the forefront of the international community

Chandigarh: From the land of five rivers to the land of the two Niles. Cultivate our lands, an appeal has come from Sudan to farmers in Punjab. To sweeten the incentive, Sudanese ambassador Khidir Harun Ahmed Abdulrazig said only 20% of its land resources are being utilized and that there is no limit to land holdings that Punjabis crave for.

Egypt is working alongside other Nile Basin countries to reach a framework on use of river water for all states but will not compromise its historic rights, the country's water minister said on Monday.
