Groundwater, which has emerged as India's prime adaptive mechanism in times of drought, will play a crucial role this year since the aquifers were recharged in 2006-08. The impact of the drought of 2009 will therefore be less severe than the drought of 2002. Beyond the immediate response, we need to think long term. Instead of pumping money into dams and canals, Indian agriculture will be better off investing in "groundwater banking". This involves storing surplus flood waters in aquifers which can be drawn upon in times of need.

Nutrient over enrichment of freshwater and coastal ecosystems

The main objectives of the scheme are: comprehensive improvement of selected tank systems including restoration; improvement of catchment areas of tank; community participation and self-supporting system for sustainable management for water bodies covered by the programme; Ground Water Recharge.; Capacity Building of communities, user groups standing committee for Panchayats and State Government/C

The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is inviting participation in the peer review of the draft report

Water storage has a vital role to play in improving global food security and building resilience for adaptation to climate change. A wide range of storage options are available, each with strengths and weaknesses.

The development of water resources in A&N Islands requires an approach that is regional in scale and holistic in scope. Planning and management of water resources at a regional scale will increasingly demand an integrated overview of different types of hydrological data gathered from different sources.

The water quality information systems are being developed to manage the water quality from a point or nonpoint source of pollution. The project on

End to indiscriminate digging of Dhaka's streets is in sight now as the new government yesterday launched a 'no-dig' pipeline-setting scheme involving a cost of Tk 1465 crore for water supply in the capital using a most modern technology.

In the Kuttanad region of Kerala, intensive untreated human sewage and agricultural activities have caused severe surface water contaminations. At the same time, other sources of fresh water are unreliable for drinking: ground water is acidic due to the soil conditions and iron leaching; fresh water from

In the Kuttanad region of Kerala, intensive untreated human sewage and agricultural activities have caused severe surface water contaminations. At the same time, other sources of fresh water are unreliable for drinking: ground water is acidic due to the soil conditions and iron leaching; fresh water from
