Eight South American countries pledged Tuesday to boost cooperation to protect one of the planet’s largest natural reserves from deforestation and illegal trafficking in timber and minerals.

More than 2,500 raids by the forest department and over 100 FIRs have failed to dampen the spirits of the unauthorised saw mills, which mushrooming virtually in every nook and corner of the state.

Shillong, Nov. 20: The rampant felling continues unabated whether it is for charcoal or for the wood-based industries situated in parts of Ri Bhoi district.

SRINAGAR: Around 50 timber smugglers on whom the State Government has slapped Public Safety Act (PSA) are absconding despite man hunt launched by the Jammu and Kashmir Police while around 40 timber

The government is railroading a new wildlife law, which experts view as ill-conceived and if passed by the parliament would rather lead to degradation of forests and wildlife.

HOWRAGHAT, Aug 30 – Timber smugglers have been holding sway in Karbi Anglong reserve forests. Illegal trade in timbers has been going unabated in the Karbi Anglong district.

Despite a bust almost every time a patrol is carried out, the illegal timber business in Paro is not only still prevalent but growing, says the dzongkhag’s department of forests division.

Rapid deforestation and urbanisation have encroached upon the forest under the supervision of District Forest Office (DFO).

Amid reports about smuggling of red sandalwood (Rakta Chandan) from India to China via Nepal, India has sought the Government of Nepal’s help in controlling the organised illegal trade.

The elders of Torghar district have vowed to protect the government forests from timber mafia if it lifts the ban on cutting of trees in parts of Gazara forests owned by the local people.
