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>> Mali's government has ordered the closure of 104 refined cooking oil factories across the country after an investigation revealed most of them don't have necessary equipment to produce

scientists at Montana University, usa, have developed an alarm system to monitor the bee buzz to track airborne toxins and contaminants. Bees make sounds at different frequencies depending

Apartments mushroom on contaminated industrial sites

In July-August 2003, when soft-drink firms across the country were struggling to contain the impact of the discovery of pesticide residues in their products, in Kerala, Coca-Cola came under intense

Toxic chemicals choke Cuddalore industrial estate

toxicity unleashed: In a controversial move, the EU has legalised the herbicide paraquat even as the bloc's own risk classification and labelling lists the chemical as acutely toxic. The US, too, has

Accidental poisoning is common in children. Potassium bromate is a commonly used additive and raising agent in many edibles particularly break, a staple food worldwide, yet its accidental poisoning has hitherto, not been documented in Nigeria.

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Baby bottles are often made of polycarbonate plastic. Impurities remaining in the bottle from the monomer bisphenol A can migrate from the plastic bottles into baby food, thereby causing a health concern. Previous migration testing of new baby bottles showed only trace migration levels of the substance. In the present work, polycarbonate baby bottles were subjected to simulated use by dishwashing, boiling and brushing. Migration testing performed with both new and used bottles revealed a significant increase in migration of bisphenol A due to use.

Food safety is a concern for scientists, policy-makers and consumers especially as food poisoning outbreaks are becoming more common and as particular concerns arise over genetically modified foods. This book covers recent developments in the chemistry, biochemistry and physiological effects of toxicants that might have an impact on human health and welfare.

Manufacturers sign declaration at the Sixth Conference of Parties CoP 6 to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
