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Breast milk is better than formula food, even with toxins SEVEN and a half months old Aashirya is healthy. She is less likely to fall sick or put on excessive weight as she grows up. This is because her parents are staunch believers of breastfeeding. Vineet Tyagi, her paediatrician father, and her mother, who is a dentist, decided to keep Aashirya on breast milk exclusively for the first six

The dossiers submitted by Mahyco in support of their application for commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) Bt brinjal raise serious concerns. Bt brinjal has been modified to produce an unknown chimeric insecticide toxin containing Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac modified sequences.

All food is made up of chemicals. In addition to the nutrients such as carbohydrate, fat, protein etc., food contains many such substances often in very small quantities. Any such substance may have a degree of toxicity, whether natural, deliberately added or contaminant and hence no distinction can be made between natural and other substances when deciding if a food is likely to be hazardous.

Surge In Import Of

Jaipur, October 2

Traditional hookah and chillum are more injurious to health than cigarette, a study has said.

The study underlines that the old mode of smoking is much more toxic than cigarette smoke as carbon monoxide (CO) level is higher in it, the study conducted by a group of pulmonary doctors of the SMS Hospital Medical College and the Asthma Bhawan here said.

Loose regulation, now blamed for ills ranging from the US financial crisis to imports of tainted Chinese goods, is drawing increasing fire from opponents of the Bush administration's environment program.

In the final months of President George W. Bush's two terms in office, criticism about the use of regulation instead of legislation to craft environmental policy has grown louder.

The us Federal Emergency Manag-ement Agency (fema) has admitted high levels of formaldehyde in travel trailers and mobile homes the government provided as emergency housing in the Gulf Coast after

baby food is contaminated with a chemical that could possibly lead to cancer or neurobehavioural disorders. Invest-igations by Environ-mental Working Group (ewg), a us -based public interest

cauvery river is heavily polluted. A recent study has found high levels of dioxins and furans in the drains joining the river. The study has implicated Chemplast Sanmar, a local company into
