The citizens of Sadiqabad have demanded a ban on the two-stroke rickshaws which emit smoke and are causing rapid spread of various diseases in the city.

Bangladesh has had 40 years of exceptional progress in health, with infant mortality down, life expectancy up and good disease control, all despite being one of the world's poorest countries, resea

KANPUR: City based paediatrics advised parents to take extra care of their kids in winters to keep pneumonia at bay, on World Pneumonia day observed on November 12, every year.

Nutritional support during treatment of pulmonary TB recommended

Severely undernourished tuberculosis (TB) patients in rural India have twice a higher risk of death, a scientific research study has concluded. The study conducted at Jan Swasthya Sahyog (JSS or Peoples’ Health Support Group), a non-profit voluntary organisation, suggests the need for nutritional support during treatment of pulmonary TB among these patients.

New Delhi: Severe undernutrition when diagnosed could mean at least two times higher odds of death in TB patients despite treatment, concluded a recent study which found shocking levels of malnutri

Under-nutrition is a known risk factor for TB and can adversely affect treatment outcomes. However, data from India are sparse, despite the high burden of TB as well as malnutrition in India. We assessed the nutritional status at the time of diagnosis and completion of therapy, and its association with deaths during TB treatment, in a consecutive cohort of 1695 adult patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in rural India during 2004 - 2009.

Over 9.3 lakh Indians with the world’s most dangerous airborne disease, tuberculosis, are currently undetected by the country’s health system, the World Health Organization’s World TB Report 2013 r

Global efforts to rein in tuberculosis helped cut the death toll to 1.3 million last year, but drug-resistant forms of the disease are sparking huge concern, the WHO said Wednesday.

China, India and the Russian Federation have the highest burden of MDR-TB followed by 24 other countries says this 18th edition of the global report on tuberculosis released by WHO at Geneva.

A study was conducted in mixed type multi-purposes cattle raising region of Ethiopia on 287 households (146 households with case of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and 141 free of TB) and 287 herds consisting of 2,033 cattle belonging to these households to evaluate transmission of TB between cattle and farmers. Interview, bacteriological examinations and molecular typing were used for human subjects while comparative intradermal tuberculin (CIDT) test, post mortem and bacteriological examinations, and molecular typing were used for animal studies.
