The number of people who are newly infected with HIV is continuing to decline in most parts of the world. There were 2.1 million [1.9 million–2.4 million] new HIV infections in 2013—a decline of 38% from 2001, when

Death Certificates Show Higher Toll, Says NGO Report

ndia has announced a goal of universal access to quality tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis and treatment. A number of novel diagnostics could help meet this important goal. The rollout of one such diagnostic, Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) is being considered, but if Xpert is used mainly for people with HIV or high risk of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in the public sector, population-level impact may be limited.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on rise in MDR TB cases, 15/07/2014.

Confirmation of a diagnosis of tuberculosis in children (aged

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on resurfacing of TB in the country, 08/07/2014.

Fourteen years ago, the Millennium Declaration articulated a bold vision and established concrete targets for improving the existence of many and for saving the lives of those threatened by disease and hunger. There

Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most complex, persistent and controversial problems facing the British cattle industry, costing the country an estimated £100 million per year. The low sensitivity of the standard diagnostic test leads to considerable ambiguity in determining the main transmission routes of infection, which exacerbates the continuing scientific debate. In turn this uncertainty fuels the fierce public and political disputes on the necessity of controlling badgers to limit the spread of infection.

State food minister Jyotipriya Mullick on Tuesday seemed to be substantiating his claims that the seven deaths at a Raipur tea garden were due to “natural causes” by quoting from a report filed by

Since the introduction of chemotherapy for treating tuberculosis, political commitment and stable, sufficient funding have been the primary predictors of success for tuberculosis-control programs, and their absence has resulted in tuberculosis epidemics. Over the past decade, the federal funding for tuberculosis-control programs in the United States has decreased by more than 15%, even without adjusting for inflation, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
