Modern agriculture based on high yielding seeds, chemical using production and protection technologies and intensive use of natural resources paid rich dividends by bringing manifold increase in foodgrain productivity and production, enhancing farmers' income, reducing poverty and contributing significantly towards attainment of food self-sufficiency at the national level.

Scientist C. Kameswara Rao reviews the document released by the Minister of Environment and Forests of the Government of India that declares a moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal (eggplant) in India. Through a scientific review process Dr.

This paper investigates the long

Washington: Indian-origin scientists in the US claim to have created a new variety of tomatoes which can stay fresh for a week longer than usual, after they found a

Ahmedabad: Your tomato soup may be red but chances are there

Ferozepur, June 16
The residents of the border district, who have witnessed destruction and uprooting time and again due to flooding of the Sutlej and Indo-Pak wars, face a challenge to their lives once again and this time it is from chemically infested vegetables.

Consumption of such vegetables, which are being grown in various parts of the district, has made the residents

On the occasion of World Milk Day on June 1, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), urged people to shun milk from their diet, stressing that the dairy industry was wreaking cruelty on cattle daily, to maximise milk production.

A field study was conducted to evaluate knowledge, practice and use of pesticides among thirty commercial vegetable growers of Dhading district of Nepal. More than four in five were using pesticides and more than one third were using it for more than six years. Nearly half of them spray pesticides five to six times. More than one-sixth pesticides used were extremely hazardous, which were barred for general agriculture use. Waiting period is less than four days for nearly two-third growers.

In vein of exploring vegetable production and marketing related problems that could have hindered farmers from getting potential benefit, the study evaluates farm performances in selective vegetable pockets of Kabhrepalanchok, Sindhupalchok and Kaski districts. It describes farm strategies on pre and post harvest crop management, explores marketing channels and mechanisms of commodity transfer and price formation and assesses farm benefits of selective crops.

A green-house experiment on three sub-tropical semi-arid soils was conducted to investigate the effect of different sludge types of coca-cola soft drink industry viz. water treatment plant sludge (WTS), effluent treatment plant sludge (ETPS) and filter cake sludge (FCS) applied @1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 per cent on dry matter yield and heavy metal content in Palak.
