
This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

This paper emphasizes a major topic of ERTRAC

The goal of this project is to explore nanowires (NWs) of Li-ion battery electrode materials for improving the battery energy and power density for electric vehicles. NWs offer advantages of a large surface to volume ratio, efficient electron conducting pathways and facile strain relaxation.

This report of the standing committee on petroleum and natural gas deals with the action taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the 17th report (14th Lok Sabha) of the standing committee on petroleum & natural gas (2007-2008) on

This study aims to reveal Sub-Saharan Africa

To address the wastewater management issue of medium to small-scale industries and other commercial establishments and institutions the WASPA Project has developed a series of booklets for selected sectors. This booklet is written as a guideline on wastewater management for vehicle service stations.

The one sector which is running amok in terms of growth of emissions is transport. Between 1990 and 2005, the maximum increase in emissions of rich countries was in this sector

The memory of last year's oil price hike, and its economic and political fallouts, has faded from memory. As India awaits the 2007-08 Union budget, newspapers are abuzz with reports of more tax cuts

flare-down: The burning of natural gas by oil firms in the Niger Delta violates the human rights of local people and should be stopped immediately, ruled the high court of Benin City in Nigeria. The
