Bioenergy could help bring food security to the world's poorest continent, say Lee R. Lynd and Jeremy Woods.

The Assam government has drafted an ambitious plan to introduce cultivation of jatropha (Jatropha curcas ) to help farmers boost their income, and also to produce bio-diesel.

The state agriculture department last week organised a day-long training workshop for farmers and NGOs working in rural areas to popularise the crop.

Researchers must collaborate to manage one of the planet’s most precious and threatened resources — for food production and much more.

Proposes that the percentage of land to be acquired by state agencies should be decided by their governments.

The modified Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill is likely to suggest giving state governments the power to determine their roles in acquiring land for industry.

Also, in a positive for farmers, the Bill proposes that if the land remains unused for five years, it should be automaticall

Ranchi, May 16: The king of fruits has finally conquered Lohardaga, Latehar, Gumla and West Singhbhum.

For the first time this year, mango trees planted by the state government under National Horticulture Mission (NHM) have borne a large number of fruits, promising a bumper crop.

MoEF has accepted these recommendations of the Expert Committee on the controversial cement plant of Nirma Industries in Bhavnagar, Gujarat. Says that the plant is situated in an environmentally sensitive wetland area and the construction must stop.

This paper examines economy-wide impacts of expansion of biodiesel production to meet the blending target using a computable general equilibrium model. Assesses impacts of biodiesel expansion on household welfare, other sectors of the economy, carbon emissions, rural development, and employment generation.

30 villages in Andhra Pradesh are up against a coal-based thermal power plant being built by East Coast Energy Pvt Ltd on Kakarapalli swamp. The contested site is a marshy land with at least 40 middle-sized ponds and a vast area used as salt farms. About 30,000 people depend on it for survival.

Thiruvananthapuram: Pramila, a resident of Vilappil panchayat, 15 km from Kerala

The main objectives of the study are: To analyze the agricultural growth in all the 17 river basins of Tamil Nadu using the total factor productivity approach;  To study the income inequality in all the river basins of Tamil Nadu, and  To suggest policy options to improve the productivity of agriculture in the basins;  To assess the performance of agriculture, apart from growth r
