The World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) newest report, Co-optimizing solutions in water and agriculture: Lessons from India on water security, identifies key enablers for scaling up solutions to water-scarcity in India. The information is designed to be useful for companies worldwide.

With 2.1 billion people – mostly in rural areas – lacking safely managed drinking water and reported low rural water supply functionality rates, the Sustainable Development Goals pose a triple challenge: to reach unserved mostly rural population groups, to raise service levels, and to sustain existing and future services.

This white paper documents research conducted to assess the impact of climate change in Southeast Asia, especially in regards to differing consequences for rural and urban areas and in relation to flood control and ecosystem vulnerability.

The Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) program supports the management and development of transboundary waters for sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and improved climate resilience.

This paper provides the climatic and biophysical context of three watersheds in northern Ghana - Anyari and Zanlerigu in the Upper East region and Bihinaayili in the Northern region.

The objective of this study is to analyze heterogeneous perceptions of the relative importance of riverine ecosystem services to inform policy decisions. To improve allocation of scarce resources across competing uses, it is crucial to understand the values placed on various water uses.

Scarce rain and chronically leaky aqueducts have combined to put Romans at risk of drastic water rationing as soon as this week.

Leading hydrogeology scientist explains how India’s dependence on groundwater could lead to a crisis if left unchecked

At a time when the state is reeling under severe drought, water expert Giriraj Amarnath, recommends effective water management techniques, integrated farming and use of clean energy in farming to o

At the rate Cape Town’s winter rainfall is going‚ another hot‚ dry summer will make this year’s drought will look like a Sunday school picnic.
