Dr. S. Ramani, senior scientist Agricultural Entomology , Project Directorate of Biological Control Indian Council of Agricultural Research , Bangalore speaks to Down To Earth

R Uma Shankar, Department of Crop Physiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, speaks to Down To Earth

Reflecting upon the fifth ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization at Cancun, a Down To Earth editorial see: "How not to lose all", October 1

Land use in China is in for irretrievable change. At the Third Plenum of the 16th Party Congress, held October 11 14, 2003, the world s biggest communist country promised to protect private property and allow farmers to amass large land holdings. Accordin

Promotes inequality between fishers and hampers sustainable development

The tone and tenor of the failed Fifth World Trade Organization WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun found an echo in the annual meetings of the World Bank WB and International Monetary Fund IMF in Dubai from September 20 to 22

How negotiations on issues moved, or didn’t

What of the Doha round? What of the WTO itself?

Collapse of the former Soviet market and an indifferent attitude to quality clips Nilgiris tea industry

Recently Arun Jaitley identified agriculture and investment as the two main issues for next month s World Trade Organization ministerial conference in Cancun, Mexico. Jaitley is India s union minister of commerce and industry, and head of the Indian dele
