UKRAINE, in a bid to develop its own nuclear fuel industry, is going all out to attract foreign investment worth about US $1 billion for a 15-year project. At present, the former Soviet republic has

Cigarette smoking causes increased risk of developing facial wrinkles

A NEW study by the Harvard Medical School (the first of its kind) -- presented recently to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros Ghali -- warns of an alarming rise in mental health problems in

British scientists on a worldwide drive to screen marine fungi for possible use as rugs have found one on the Malaysian coast that can destroy leukaemia (blood cancer) cells (Spectrum, No 245).

SCIENTISTS at the National Research Centre -- Spices (NRC-S) at Kozhikode in Kerala have developed a cure for the quick-wilt disease, which affects the black pepper crops. The disease, which decays

If an abnormality shows up in an ultrasound scan of a foetus, the image can now be transmitted to experts hundreds of kilometres away through a special fibre optic cable and their opinion

SOUTH Africa can break new ground in the world of science if only its scientists and researchers show the government the right way. In an impassioned speech made at a conference held at the

Scientists have identified Helico- bacter pylori, a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, in contaminated water, thus giving a clue to the source of infection. Earlier studies were unable

EXPERIMENTS are underway off the Nellore coastline in Andhra Pradesh to create artificial coral reefs which can act as natural breeding grounds for aquatic life. They are being conducted by Jagriti,

Plants of Salicornia species thrive in saline soils and can feed humans, animals and industry
