• Wireless loop technology could replace conventional cables in congested Calcutta, according to the Department of Telecommunication (DoT). • Heli-skiing has been banned in Himachal

Trees and reflective coatings on houses could reduce air conditioning costs and pollution

Good news for fat-conscious people. Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia have developed a fast and inexpensive technology -- the supercritical fluid technology -- for

Recharging aquifers with treated wastewater is the only hope to meet the water needs of a growing urban population

Bacteria that feast on garbage may provide an environmentally benign way to dispose household waste, say British engineers who are testing a new anaerobic digester -- that does not require air -- for

Scientists claim that sulphate aerosols reduce global warming

In a significant development towards tackling brain disorders, American researchers claim to have successfully transplanted immature brain cells in mice to treat a genetic brain abnormality similar

A dairr row produces up to 40 litres of urine daily and this is posing a serious threat to the European countryside of moors, bogs and heaths. Scottish scientists have found that the

Intervention of the highest court in the land has finally ensured that the beautiful hill resort of Nainital -- marred by various polluting agents -- still retained its pristine splendour. A petition

A group of chemists in Switzerland has devised a way to convert Ramospheric carbon dioxide - the main greenhouse gas - into fuel (New Scientist Vol 146, No 1971). The scientists first blew
