The dossiers submitted by Mahyco in support of their application for commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) Bt brinjal raise serious concerns. Bt brinjal has been modified to produce an unknown chimeric insecticide toxin containing Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac modified sequences.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been providing assistance to its developing member countries (DMCs) in the energy sector for the last 40 years, focusing on electricity sector expansion programs, interventions in the oil and gas sectors, institutional capacity building, and power sector reforms, governance, and efficiency improvement.

This document presents the three-year Andhra Pradesh Relief to Development project which aimed to improve the capacity of target communities to better manage in times of disaster. This project took place in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami, in December 2004, to restore the livelihoods of affected communities.

This note is written to generate to stimulate a more comprehensive discussion on how Asia can respond to the growth in CO2 emissions from its transport sector.

Climate, social and economic conditions, markets, consumer values and technology are only a few of the areas of change that the World Water Development Report (WWDR3) describes and discusses in detail.

Whilst leaders in many nations discuss ambitious targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), there is also an intense debate underway regarding the technical and economic feasibility of different target levels, what emission reduction opportunities should be pursued, and the costs of different options for meeting the targets.

An e-conference was held in 2008 to discuss

This paper provides information on the sub-national areas (regions/districts/provinces) most vulnerable to climate change impacts in Southeast Asia. This assessment was carried out by overlaying climate hazard maps, sensitivity maps, and adaptive capacity maps following the vulnerability assessment framework of

Water: A Global Innovation Outlook Report, is a comprehensive treatment of the challenges and opportunities inherent in modern day management of global water systems. This GIO report takes a hard look at the difficulties society is having managing the most precious resource on earth.

The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical production forests is not just a technical task for forest managers. It requires that biodiversity concerns be addressed in national level planning and policymaking, at the stage of allocating forests to conservation, production and conversion, and during management planning and field implementation.
