Alternatives to keep animals away from scientific research labs

A clutch of conscientious citizens across India have collectively clamoured and crusaded against the decibel din

Use of organic colours can make the Holi revelry safer

The tiny rodents that most people link only to pestilence and crop destruction have fascinated Ishwar Prakash one of that rare breed: a rat expert in India for most of his life

The status of cancer data in India is as scary as the killer itself. The most recent data on cancer by the Indian Council of Medical Research is 13 years old. With little data on hand, battling cancer has become doubly difficult

Dwindling forests in a Rajasthan sanctuary get a fresh lease of life with villagers effectively banning the use of axe

Seabuckthorn, a plant with numerous medicinal properties, grows wild in India. Rural communities are the losers

Breast milk is better than formula food, even with toxins SEVEN and a half months old Aashirya is healthy. She is less likely to fall sick or put on excessive weight as she grows up. This is because her parents are staunch believers of breastfeeding. Vineet Tyagi, her paediatrician father, and her mother, who is a dentist, decided to keep Aashirya on breast milk exclusively for the first six

Mobile and extremely useful "I understand it is not easy for the living to donate a kidney; but then why is the government not encouraging transplants from cadavers,'

even clean hospitals can pass on infections to patients. Health experts around the world are trying to find ways to reduce hospital acquired infections (hais). Despite all the efforts to tackle
