Beware before you pick up chyawanprash from a drug store. The most popular brands of this ayurvedic tonic has artificial sweeteners, which have unconscionable side-effects. On January 11, 2008,

india's National Polio Surveillance Programme reported 471 polio cases until December 14, 2007. Although this is lower than the 676 cases reported in 2006, there is reason for concern. There has

zinc supplements are widely promoted only in the oral rehydration therapy to treat diarrhoea. Plans to use it as a general supplement, have suffered a setback with a new study proving that they

a mystery fever has hit Saharanpur and its neighbouring districts in western Uttar Pradesh. By October 15, the disease had afflicted 52 children, of whom 29 succumbed. Over the past two decades,

Toothpastes contain a number of chemicals that carry out its essential functions

rbx11160, the much-touted first anti-malarial drug developed by drug major Ranbaxy's public-private partnership, will not be out until 2011. The drug may also not be available at a price the poor can afford.

the Union ministry of health and family welfare has given the go-ahead for including an expensive vaccine into the country's immunisation programme despite the absence of scientific data. A meeting

diabetics tired of diets heavy on bitter gourd can now find solace in the eggplant or brinjal (Solanum melongena). The vegetable is said to be extremely effective in controlling type 2 diabetes.

for the last 20 years, a mystery fever has baffled physicians in western Uttar Pradesh. Several theories have tried to identify the fever, but there has been more confusion than clarity (see box

rational use of drugs may not always delay resistance to a drug. A research team led by the National Institutes of Health in the us has found that the influenza virus h3n2 were resistant to
