The continuing low-level seismicity in the vicinity of the Idukki Reservoir, Kerala, is interesting from the perspective of hydrologically triggered earthquakes. While the frequency of triggered earthquakes in the vicinity of a reservoir usually reduces with time and the largest earthquake usually occurs within a few years on the initial filling, the triggered seismicity in the proximity of the Idukki Reservoir seems to be showing a second, delayed peak, as the 1977 (M 3.5)

Advance and accurate forecasts of rainfall can aid many sectors, from agriculture to disaster mitigation. However, given the tremendous spatial variability of rainfall, only forecasts at high resolution can serve users’ needs. The skill of a dynamical forecast model depends on the resolution and varies from region to region. While such non-uniqueness poses challenges, they also provide avenues for improving skill; in particular, calibration and customization can improve

This article provides an account of the research journey, including some detours, towards the destination of several innovative projects, evidence based Ayurveda and global acceptance of integrative medicine.

Increasing frequency and intensity of earthquakes has renewed the urgency in improving the preparedness and in making the infrastructure earthquake-resistant. Sikkim, a northeastern Indian Himalayan state, was hit by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake of intensity VII on 18 September 2011, which triggered hundreds of boulder falls and landslides, causing extensive damage to public and private infrastructure. An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the various structures present in rural areas was carried out. Assessment of the quantum of damage indicated that though

The current drug discovery paradigm in the West is constrained in what it can do, primarily due to the funding model. Here we envisage a hypothetical non-governmental, non-profit organization called the Centre for Affordable Medicine. By sourcing innovation from a network of academic and corporate partners, and working primarily in India, it could lower the cost of innovation. Funding could be from a variety of players that expect a social, not financial, return.

It is a well-known fact, that worldwide thousands of plant species are endangered and facing extinction with the
current trend of their exploitation and destruction. In recent years, there is a growing awareness concerning the impact
of temperature rise, industrialization, desertification and shift in the growing seasons of plants, loss of pollinators,
seed dispersers and increasing frequency of intense weather events such as drought, storms and floods making several valuable plants extinct.

After two decades of hardwork, on 5 February 2012, a team of Russian scientists began drilling at Lake Vostok, the largest of more than 140 sub-glacial lakes and the most deeply buried of the lakes hidden under the Antarctic ice cap.

This correspondence refers to a recent note about monitoring alpine treeline in the Western Himalaya and few other
recent studies on the same aspect. Alpine zones in the Himalayas are the highest vegetation zones where seedbearing plants are found, but tree growth is excluded. Upper and lower boundaries of alpine zones are traditionally set as

Here the authors report the field evidences observed at Milam glacier, Goriganga basin, Kumaon Himalaya during the glaciological expedition carried out in July 2011 and the observations from Resourcesat-2 LISS IV data. (Correspondence)

The subject of the ‘mixed bag’, which proposes non-Bt-cotton seeds be mixed with Bt-cotton seeds in the same bag, has raised an interesting debate in this journal. It was flagged by Hanur, who recommended that the mixed bag should be allowed in India. He made this proposal pointing out that the extent of adoption of structured refuge in this country was unsatisfactory. Later, Muralimohan and Srinivasa conveyed their reservations against the recommendation. (Correspondence)
