Exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) is associated with respiratory and cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. In this study, we used size fractionated PM samples (3?7, 1.5?3, 0.95?1.5, 0.5?0.95, and

Geologic sequestration (GS) of carbon dioxide (CO2) is contingent upon securing the legal right to use deep subsurface pore space.

Electronic waste (e-waste) has emerged as a new policy priority around the world. Motivations to address e-waste include rapidly growing waste streams, concern over the environmental fate of heavy metals and other substances in e-waste, and impacts of informal recycling in developing countries.

After a half-century of use in products ranging from electrical transformers to caulk to paint, PCBs were banned in the late 1970s as one of the

This paper describes a method that uses published data to calculate locally robust CO2 emission factors for U.S. coal. The method is demonstrated by calculating CO2 emission factors by coal origin (223 counties, in 1999) and destination (479 power plants, in 2005).

This study describes the methodology and results for calculating future global aviation emissions of carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from air traffic under four of the IPCC/SRES (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/Special Report on Emissions Scenarios) marker scenarios: A1B, A2, B1, and B2.

The risk of gastrointestinal illness to swimmers from fresh sewage and non-sewage fecal sources at recreational beaches was predicted using quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA).

PCBs, used to manage risks from the flammability of dielectric fluids and to increase the durability of elastic sealants, had declining environmental concentrations after legislation banning new production was passed during the 1970s and 1980s in Europe and North America.

Water might be locally renewable, but it is also a globally finite resource with shifting availability. Industry accounts for most of the water used in the U.S., yet industry-specific estimates of that consumption

According to many climate scientists, global mean temperatures can only be stabilized at 2.4
