This discussion paper reviews existing evidence, projections and opinions about the impacts of biofuel production on commodity and food prices. Also summarizes different discourses on the various

Extreme weather events are generally expected to increase in frequency and intensity due to global climate change. They have the potential to significantly undermine progress towards

The clean development mechanism allows emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2. CERs can be traded and sold, and used by industrialized countries to meet a part of their targets under the Protocol. The CDM assists countries in achieving sustainable development and

The purpose of the small-scale A/R CDM project activity are: to earn carbon credits from growing of trees to be planted, under the CDM provisions of Kyoto Protocol; to help in mitigation of global warming by planting trees for sequestration of atmospheric

Getting a clear understanding of national and international
climate policy is difficult, as the numerous states which need to be taken stock of have various initial positions and interests. To untangle the knot of differentiated responsibilities, held and broken promises, and encouraging steps towards an effective

Poverty, pollution and working conditions: the opportunities
and challenges of today's economic globalisation are closely connected. Opportunities to improve living conditions, raise educational standards and establish better health care through participation in global supply chains are certainly there. Yet at

This paper provides an overview of mitigation practices for the agricultural sector, and identifies relevant policies and measures (PAMs). It addresses the relative mitigation potential of each mitigation practice presented, as well as methodological and technical challenges, and possible barriers for their implementation.

This category comprises activities that lead to efficient use of electricity through the adoption of self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to replace incandescent lamps in
residential applications. The high-efficiency technology to replace existing equipment must be new equipment not transferred from another activity.

Global warming is confronting developing countries across the globe with enormous challenges not of their own making. The impacts of a warming world are now threatening to set back progress in improving the quality of life for billions of people. Water resources are likely to be impacted early and strongly in many countries; developing countries, however, are the most vulnerable.

This paper analyses the administrative history of water governance in Ghana, and related problems to date. The case study on fisheries management has its setting in the Upper East Region of Ghana, where people use reservoirs to improve their livelihoods through irrigation, cattle watering, and fisheries.
