The TEEB Report for Business highlights the business case for biodiversity and ecosystems services (BES) by illustrating the importance and immense value of natural services provided to, and affected by, a wide range of industries.

This paper assesses the state of the adaptation negotiations under the UNFCCC after the historic climate summit of Copenhagen. It compares the current draft negotiating text (June 2010) and compares it to key essentials that an ambitious adaptation action framework needs to contain to assist developing countries living up to the challenge of adaptation.

This report aims to provide an overview of the state of the debate on poverty reduction in the face of climate change. The authors have investigated the links between poverty and climate change in practice and examined the issues in the light of a case study in Indonesia.

This technical paper presents issues relating to the transformation of pledges for emission reductions into quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives (QELROs). It provides a brief explanation of this transformation and illustrates the effect that different variables have on it.

This paper by the Global Donor Platform makes recommendations on how, within the global climate negotiations, agriculture can contribute to food security and secured livelihoods, while simultaneously building resilience to climate change, reducing GHG emissions and sequestering carbon.

The analytical report on international climate financing architecture for cities & local governments in the developing world. Says that cities need to be informed on their options, provided with a supportive framework and right tools to utilize sustainable solutions.

This recent HBF publication focuses on the role of cities in solving the climate crisis and presents models of sustainable architecture and urban planning.

The commitment to provide new finance in support of climate change actions in developing countries was one of the few areas where tangible progress was made at the Copenhagen COP meeting. In light of this, securing a system that supports such financial flows to developing countries is an immediate challenge

Organic Agriculture has a significant role to play in addressing two of the world

The UNFCCC Secretariat has published an initial summary report titled
