Climate data gathered in the region during 20th century indicate heating, estimated at more than 1

This new report by ETC group is a critique of what OECD countries are calling 'the new bioeconomy'. Analyzes impact of next generation biofuels, burning of biomass for electricity and also sets the new REDD+ provisions in this context.

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the search for a home, or homes, for hosting international deliberations and action on energy subsidy reform. The two most obvious contenders for such an ?institutional home? are the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Environmental pollutants from many different sources
contaminate water, air, and land, putting humans and ecosystems at risk, and often pitting people against industry. By viewing competing interests and their implications within a broad ecosystem analysis, ecohealth approaches strive to protect
health while balancing the needs of various stakeholders and

Investment in clean energy technologies in developing countries is a key component of achieving global commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. One mechanism to promote investment in energy efficiency technologies is through energy performance contracting (EPC) undertaken by Energy Service Companies (ESCOs).

This paper describes ways to improve LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) transportation and parking credits. Typical LEED programs reduce building energy consumption 20-60%. Cost effective mobility and parking management programs often provide similar motor vehicle trip and parking generation reductions, resulting in large economic, social and environmental benefits. However, the current LEED rating system overlooks some of the most effective mobility and parking management strategies.
