The first and second editions of the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality were used by developing and developed countries worldwide as the basis for regulation and standard setting to ensure the safety of drinking-water. They recognized the priority that should be given to ensuring microbial safety and provided guideline values for a large number of chemical hazards.

This case study analyzes the costs and benefits of alternative strategies for mitigating the impact of drought on rural livelihoods in Uttar Pradesh. It explores both insurance mechanisms for spreading drought risk and, as an alternative, the development of groundwater irrigation for eliminating such risk.

The purpose of this UN-Water GLAAS pilot report is to present the concept of a possible global, periodic, comprehensive reporting mechanism to inform policymaking in the sanitation and drinking-water sectors.

Intellectual property rights have been high on the policy agenda in recent years.

As nations seek to strengthen their health systems, they are increasingly looking to primary health care to provide a clear and comprehensive sense of direction.

The Trade and Development Report 2008, subtitled "Commodity Prices, Capital Flows and the Financing of Investment

This report provides a reminder of what know about the gains from international trade and highlights the challenges arising from higher levels of integration. It addresses a range of interlinking questions, starting with a consideration of what constitutes globalization, what drives it, what benefits does it bring, what challenges does it pose and what role does trade play in this world of ever-growing inter-dependency.

This study identifies the most likely humanitarian implications of climate change for the next 20-30 year period. The authors use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to map specific hazards associated with climate change

The objectives of this study were: to raise awareness of the importance of mobility as a driver for economic development in Bangalore; to examine opportunities to narrow the mobility

This study aims to provide policymakers with an overview of biofuel certification schemes that are already in place or being developed, including: benefits and drawbacks of such schemes;
