Environmental factors have long had an impact on global migration flows. Although there is limited reliable data on the subject, the scale of such flows, both internal and cross-border, is expected to rise significantly over the next decades as a result of climate change.

This scoping study report reaches the conclusion that any attempt to advance corporate ecosystem valuation should focus on new ways of valuing ecosystem dependencies and impacts and incorporating these values within existing financial and business planning tools, drawing where relevant on the existing methods that have been developed specifically to value ecosystem services.

This WHO annual health report looks at 100 statistics provided by 193 member countries. This year it provides the first assessment of MDGs progress and reveals that deaths of children aged under five years have dropped by 27% globally since 1990.

This study puts forward proposals for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in various sectors, such as transport and accommodation. It also considers market mechanisms and innovative methods of financing the transformation towards a green economy and encourages new public-private-partnerships.

This WHO report formulates a series of recommendations on the most important directions for future work in this field, and how this should be integrated with related areas of public health and climate research.

The health and humanitarian dimensions of climate change are among the ultimate justifications for taking action on climate change and these are closely interlinked. Humanitarian assistance provides a strong health imperative to save lives and alleviate the suffering of crisis affected populations. Climate

This is the first biennial global assessment of disaster risk reduction prepared in the context of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. It focuses on the nexus between disaster risk and poverty, in a context of global climate change.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will prepare a Special Report on managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation, to be released during the second half of 2011. This decision was taken by the IPCC at its recent 30th session, which convened from 21-23 April 2009, in Antalya, Turkey.

The report highlights three specific areas in which the global economy experienced systemic failures. While there are many more facets to the crisis, UNCTAD examines here some of those that it considers to be the core areas to be tackled immediately by international economic policy-makers because they can only be addressed through recognition of their multilateral dimensions.

Based on extensive research conducted over the past four years, the Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) project has developed recommendations and an actionable roadmap to transform the building sector. The project began with a comprehensive
