Working in partnership to prevent and control the four noncommunicable diseases — cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases and the four shared risk factors - tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets and the harmful use of alcohol.

The most effective means of consistently ensuring the safety of
a drinking-water supply is through the use of a comprehensive risk
assessment and risk management approach that encompasses all steps in water supply from catchment to consumer. In these guidelines, such approaches are called water safety plans (WSPs).

This press release discusses the year 2008 is likely to rank as the 10th warmest year on record since the beginning of the instrumental climate records in 1850, according to data sources compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The investigation and control of foodborne disease outbreaks are multi-disciplinary tasks requiring skills in the areas of clinical medicine, epidemiology, laboratory medicine, food microbiology and chemistry, food safety and food control, and risk communication and management.

At the simplest level, weather is what is happening to the atmosphere at any given time. Climate is a measure of what to expect in any month, season or year, and is arrived at using statistics built up from observations over many years.

The global effort to address climate change will require action in several policy areas, and use of a multitude of policy instruments and measures. Economic and trade-related instruments will be of paramount importance in this context.

Natural hazards, which are becoming more intense and frequent, have a devastating impact on the world

This report provides an overview of the global distribution of malaria cases and deaths and documents how control strategies recommended by WHO have been adopted and implemented in endemic countries.

This report summarizes the findings and recommendations from the Expert Meeting on New Scenarios. Adhering to the catalytic role defined by the IPCC, the report thus describes the current state of planning by the scientific community for preparation of new scenarios.

This report contains monographs prepared at the sixty-eighth meeting of the Joint FAOM0 Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which met in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19 to 28 June 2007.
