This report published by UNESCO, the International Social Science Council and OECD, highlights connections between global environmental change, particularly climate change, and challenges such as accelerated production and consumption, population growth & widespread patterns of inequality.

In the lead-up to the UN climate negotiations in Warsaw, the latest information on the level and growth of CO2 emissions, their source and geographic distribution will be essential to lay the foundation for a global agreement.

Technology and high prices are opening up new oil resources, but this does not mean the world is on the verge of an era of oil abundance, according to this 2013 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO-2013) published by International Energy Agency (IEA).

Electricity shortages can paralyse our modern economies. All governments fear rolling black-outs and their economic consequences, especially in economies increasingly based on digital technologies.

The 2013 edition of the Key World Energy Statistics presents the most important figures on production, transformation and consumption of energy in more than 140 countries, with global and regional overviews.

This document aims to provide host country governments with guidance on the policy options that are available to make the most of investment opportunities in clean energy infrastructure, drawing on the collective expertise of the climate and investment communities among others.

As per this IEA Wind Power Technology Roadmap 2013 Edition, the land-based wind is projected to reach an installed capacity exceeding 500 GW by 2018. China will likely have the largest cumulative capacity with a total of 185 GW, followed by the United States (92 GW), Germany (44 GW) and India (34.4 GW).

This special report, in the IEA’s World Energy Outlook series, assesses the prospects for Southeast Asia’s energy future and outlines the implications for regional and global energy markets.

The UNESCO has released a report titled 'Free Flow. Reaching Water Security through Cooperation,' which was published in the framework of the International Year of Water Cooperation. The report brings together a range of water professionals and stakeholders to share their knowledge and experiences in water cooperation.

This joint IEA and UNDP report shares best practices and lessons learned among IEA member countries and non-IEA countries in improving energy efficiency in the building sector.
