This 2014 edition of REN21's Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) provides a comprehensive and timely overview of renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy developments worldwide. It covers recent developments, current status, and key trends; by design, it does not provide analysis or forecast.

Questions about the reliability, affordability and sustainability of our energy future often boil down to questions about investment. But are investors ready to commit capital in a fast-changing energy world?

This publication represents a continuation of efforts by IEA to provide strategic, economic and policy analysis on various aspects of carbon capture and storage. CCS has suffered from a lack of attention by public and policy-makers over the past several years.

Chinese NOCs first ventured overseas to invest in oil and gas production more than 20 years ago. Today, they have emerged to become international players with activities spreading across more than 40 countries and producing 2.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboe/d) of oil and gas outside of China.

The OECD/IEAClimate Change Expert Group (CCXG) has published a paper, titled “GHG or not GHG: Accounting for Diverse Mitigation Contributions in the Post-2020 Climate Framework.

The aim of this paper is to explore what a flexible and durable climate change agreement could look like and propose pragmatic options for the design of such an agreement.

Co-generation technologies and efficient DHC networks offer significant environmental and energy security benefits, and can serve as flexible tools to bridge electrical and thermal energy systems. Yet despite these advantages, and successful implementation in some countries, to date, global deployment has been limited.

Coal is the principal fuel for the global generation of electrical power. It is the leading source of power generation in OECD countries and the dominant fuel source behind economic growth in non-OECD countries.

Social protection measures are policy instruments that are widely used across a broad range of developing countries in pursuit of many different development objectives. In many cases social protection measures such as food or cash transfers were first introduced to ensure minimum levels of food security for vulnerable households.

This practical guide developed by The World Heritage Centre aims to assist those responsible for the management of natural World Heritage sites and provide better understanding how climate change may affect those features of the site that contribute to its Outstanding Universal Value and offer ideas for identifying options for adapting to climat
