Carbon and Water Footprints first analyses the origins of the carbon and water footprints. It makes a detailed exploration of the similarities and differences of aspects such as definition, methods of measurement, spatio temporal dimensions, components, and entities for which the footprints can be calculated.

This roadmap explores the potential improvement of existing technologies to enhance average fuel economy of motorised vehicles and provides recommendations to reduce the average fuel economy of road motorised vehicles by 30% to 50% by 2030.

Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA contains timely, clearly-presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources.

Groundwater and Global Change calls attention to groundwater, a resource poorly understood by the general public and most water opinion-leaders and decision-makers.

While about 70% of Indian electricity is carbon-based, a quarter of the nation’s consumption goes into agriculture, to extract groundwater for irrigation. Improving the energy efficiency of Indian agriculture is thus a critical issue for the world at large, from both a climate change and energy security perspective.

The eighteenth edition of the Agricultural Outlook provides projections to 2021 for the major agricultural commodities and biofuels as well as fish and seafood. Recent market trends and likely future developments are discussed in detail. This report foresees continuing high commodity prices and concerns over food price inflation.

India claims to be undertaking a thorough transition to low carbon electricity, stepping up renewable energy and energy efficiency efforts. Yet, two puzzling paradoxes weigh upon this dynamic.

A new publication by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) highlights the environmental sustainability of rail transport. The report – Railway Handbook 2012: Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions – includes the latest information from the UIC and IEA databases.

The solar heating and cooling (SHC) roadmap outlines a pathway for solar energy to supply almost one sixth (18 EJ) of the world’s total energy use for both heating and cooling by 2050. This would save some 800 megatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per year; more than the total CO2 emissions in Germany in 2009.

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2012 provides a global overview of current status of nuclear power and also compares development pattern of renewable energy with the nuclear power.
