This new report provides a comprehensive overview of renewable energy market, industry and policy developments worldwide. At least 118 countries, more than half of which are developing countries had renewable energy targets in place by early 2012, up from 109 as of early 2010.

This publication aims to formulate a broader framework of integration which is required for cities to transition to sustainable, resource efficient development and to realise green urban economic growth trajectories that are equitable

Published by the UN University (UNU) Traditional Knowledge Initiative and the UNESCO, the book "Weathering Uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation" was launched at the International Council for Science's Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, held in parallel to the UN Con

Water is an essential resource for virtually all aspects of human enterprise, from agriculture via urbanization to energy and industrial production. Equally, the many uses for water create pressures on the natural systems.

The Technology Roadmap Bioenergy for Heat and Power highlights the importance of bioenergy in providing heat in the buildings sector and in industry, and shows what contribution it could make to meeting steadlily growing world electricity demand.

Natural gas is poised to enter a golden age, but this future hinges critically on the successful development of the world’s vast unconventional gas resources. North American experience shows unconventional gas – notably shale gas –can be exploited economically. Many countries are lining up to emulate this success.

The mobility projections in this Transport Outlook indicate that global passenger transport volumes in 2050 could be up to 2.5 times as large as in 2010, and freight volumes could grow by a factor of four. Emissions of CO2 grow more slowly because of increasing energy efficiency, but may nevertheless more than double.

An International Energy Agency (IEA) supported publication, titled "EV City Casebook: A Look at the Global Electric Vehicle Movement," addresses best practices for electric vehicle usage.

Tracking Clean Energy Progress is an early except of the forthcoming Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 (ETP2012). The report tracks progress in the development and deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies in the power generation, industry, buildings, and transport sectors.

The objective of this paper is to identify the nature of incentives available in India to address climate change, specifically by encouraging Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) initiatives, both of which are fundamental to India’s
